Let's take this moment to educate ourselves on how important it is to consume brands that are Human-Friendly. You're probably wondering what this term "Human-Friendly" means, allow me to explain.
When checking whether your skincare brand is Human-Friendly or not, you must look for the following factors in your skincare products:
100% Organic
Paraben free
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) free
Alcohol free
Parfum free
Phthalates free
Triclosan free
Propylene Glycol free
Petrochemicals free
If your favourite skincare products are aligned with the list above, then you are consuming a Human-Friendly brand. If not, you might want to keep reading...
Now the big question: Why is it so important to switch to a Human-Friendly skincare company?
Well, the chemicals mentioned earlier are extremely harmful, hazardous to health, and are capable of causing serious threats to your well-being. These chemicals seep through your pores and into your bloodstreams, that leads them directly to your organs like kidneys, liver, breasts etc. Additionally, these toxins have other synonymous names too, so the rule of thumb is: If you can't pronounce the name, don't use it.
Let's take a closer look at each chemical and its effects to your skin and body.
Parabens are one of the leading causes for hormonal imbalance(s) in your bodies. Also, research is being conducted regarding the connection between parabens and breast cancer!
Alcohol increases skin aging and wrinkles, while inducing skin erosion (loss of epidermis- outer layer of skin)
Phthalates is a chemical being connected to several health hazards like breast cancer, reproductivity issues, and ADHD
Triclosan is easily absorbed into your skin and it causes many health problems like hormonal imbalances, weaker immune system, and issues in your metabolic activities
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) can be found in vast majority of skincare products and is a factor adding to kidney and liver defects
Propylene Glycol is the common culprit behind skin irritation and inflammation
Petrochemicals are proven to be an additional factor in the growth of tumour in your body
Parfum is causing skin sensitivity and allergic reactions to several skin types